When I Become a Millionaire

About Me

First of all, I warn you. If you have no sense or humor or don't understand sarcasm, this blog may not be for you. Proceed with caution. Also, I am not a good writer, nor do I claim to be. I write the way I would converse. There are choppy sentences, poor sentence structure and bad grammar. Oh, and I use way too many commas. I swear I remember being told in high school that you should use commas every time you would pause to take a breath. Later I was told I use way too many. Oops. Sorry if it offends you. I'm just a casual writer.

I'm a preschool teacher, mom of 3 children, and a "wannabe farmer's" wife. Also, I think I'm amidst the early stages of Alzheimer's.  Perhaps someone poisoned me in my childhood and caused my memory issues. Maybe it's hereditary. Regardless, I can barely remember anything. (Why the heck is spell check telling me amidst isn't a word?? dictionary.com says it is.)

 If you'd asked me 10 years ago, "Where will you be in 10 years?" I never would've dreamed the answer would include terms like "chicken coops" or "canning".

 People who knew me 10 years ago would laugh if I called them up and said, "Hey guess what? I own farm animals. I can garden crops every summer. I'm married to a man who wants to be a farmer!" 

No one would've believed it, myself included. It sure is funny how things change. There is never a dull moment around here, it seems!

I'm also a photographer wannabe. As in, I have a fancy schmancy camera and no photography skills. So please excuse the crappy photos on my blog. It's not their fault. It's totally the camera's fault. Stupid camera never does what I want it to do.

In my spare time I take bad photos, make believe I'm either Cake Boss or Paula Dean in the kitchen (minus the oldness and the weight and the health issues), pretend I know how to sew on my sewing machine (when, in reality, I can't even sew a straight seam), and make scrapbooks that no one reads.

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