When I Become a Millionaire

Friday, June 29, 2012

SPOILED animals!

I'm a softie. My poor rabbits were baking in the 106 degree heat today. Guilt overcame me so I did what any sane person would do. I loaded them into the dog crate and drug them into the house. My dogs looked at me like I was insane. They shook their heads and seemed to be saying, "Don't you know rabbits belong in the woods?" My house now smells like a petting zoo. You know how some people have cute decorative benches and knicknacks by their entryway? I have a bucket of potatoes from the garden and rabbits. Oh, and a decorative pillow I made on my sewing machine. It's a primitive design - as in, I can't sew a straight seam. Anyone wanna give me free lessons?

This is Ginger, my scaredycat dog. She's scared of anything and everything. She also knows she's not supposed to mess with the rabbits. This is her trying to act nonchalant and not look at them. 

In a momentary fit of insanity, I briefly considered ways to bring the ducks and chickens inside. What am I, crazy?? My house would be destroyed. Sorry birds, you're just gonna have to tough it out like they did back in the old days.

I bought another jar of Heaven today. I have a sickness.

Heaven, meet Cool Whip. Ok kids, get ready to mingle!

I stirred them together and created what I call "heaven pudding". As I stirred I could already feel my waistband tightening. I froze some of it to create "heaven pudding pops". Maybe I should call it "extra cellulite on a stick".

Update: Ok, so Heaven doesn't actually freeze. And it's super rich so if you have no self control and eat a whole gob of it, prepare to feel ill for a couple of hours.

I made another healthy dinner this evening. I'm probably the only idiot who turned the oven on when it's 106 degrees outside but I really wanted some jalapeno pretzel bites.

I don't know why making dough intimidates me so much.

These sounded wonderful and they do have potential. They're a little bland though. If I ever made them again I'd double the cream cheese, add twice as many jalapenos and add more salt. Or maybe use the filling as a dip instead. As you can see from the picture, my oven is about a thousand years old and doesn't bake evenly at all. You can also see from the picture that a) my photography camera sucks and b) the lighting in my house is absolutely a photographer's worst nightmare. I don't have any fancy schmancy lighting or anything and barely get any natural lighting in this place.

To end the day, I watched P.S. I Love You. I am not at all a chick flick type of girl but this movie makes me sob so much my eyes are puffy the next morning. I don't even know why I watch it because I cry through the entire thing. I'm not even normally the crying type.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Food Processor and a New Rabbit

We finally did it! Frank and I agreed on a food processor. It's a 10 cup, which sure beats my 12 year old, leaky 1 cup that doesn't really chop anymore. It's even red! And the best thing of all was the cost. The price tag at Walmart said it was clearanced from $80 to $50 but it rang up $30. That's almost 75% off the original price - well something like that...maybe more like 60 %. I'm not math whiz ok? Regardless, what a steal!

Isn't she a beauty?? I feel like a little kid when I play with this thing. It's SO COOL! It even has a slicing disc. I've been wandering around trying to find things to slice. Maybe I need to post a photo of the old one so you can have a better understanding of my excitement.

I couldn't wait to play with it but didn't have anything that needed chopping. I grabbed the first thing I saw, which just happened to be the garden salsa peppers that Frank recently dehydrated. So far, this thing works beautifully and is way quieter than my 1990 something model. I know, it doesn't take much to make me happy. Now I'm just looking around for random things to chop.

A trip to Walmart for a food processor ended with another rabbit from Rural King. We gotta stop going there! I call it our Beagle Rabbit. It's not the most photogenic rabbit bust look at its floppy ears! We sneaked it into the hutch when the kids weren't looking so we can see how long it takes someone to notice. I'm not even sure if Ethan realizes we have rabbits. Frank thinks we should litter box train it and keep it inside, as if it's not already chaotic enough in our house! My morning trip to Rural King landed me with a unique experience. I picked up the 50 lb. bag of chicken feed from the backseat. As I carried it to the deck I felt a strange sensation on my arms, almost like when static electricity makes your arm hairs crawl? Yeah, that feeling. It got worse and worse so I put the bag down (well, more like dropped it. It weighs 50 lbs and I'm a vertically challenged woman with a bad back) and that's when I saw them. Billions of tiny little ants crawling everywhere - up my arms and shirt, on the feed bag, in the truck. It was like a scene from a gory horror movie, only ants instead of something gross like worms or maggots. I sort of had a sissy girl reaction and screamed - or, more accurately, squealed - an obscenity or two. I still don't know where they came from.

These poor lil fellers don't do so well in the heat. This little guy looks like he had a wild night of partying.

Apparently Jessica left the hutch door open last night. Frank came home from work at 4:30 a.m. to an empty rabbit hutch. He spent 1 1/2 hours hunting for them. Luckily they were still nearby.

Things I learned today:

1. Never pick up a food processor slicing disc haphazardly. You just might cut your finger.

2. Jalapeno juices will burn the cut you got from the slicing disc.

3. Any temperature under 130 degrees isn't considered to be hot in Frank's eyes. His army tank was 130 degrees so anything less than that is just sissy. He stepped outside today, took a deep breath of 104 degree air and said, "WOW, the heat is...invigorating!"

4. Never breathe in as you're sticking your face above the food processor to peek inside to see the spicy peppers you just chopped.

5. Chopping peppers in a food processor emits teeny tiny particles into the air that climb up into your nose and burn. Don't ask me the scientific details because I don't even know. All I know is I think I almost asphyxiated from the fumes. Death by food processor - not a glamorous way to go. We moved the party out to the 104 degree weather on the deck after that.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sugar Glass, Heaven, and Highway Insanity

Jessica asked if she could make dinner. Heck yes! She scrounged around, found some odds and ends, and before I knew it she had a meal ready. She threw some chicken on the grill, made mashed potatoes, and then - get ready for this - said, "Can I use a zucchini?" It was a proud moment for me. This is a girl who swears she hates zucchini and will never even try it. Dinner was really good, but it doesn't stop there. She even cleaned up a good portion of it!

As Jess made dinner, Ethan came outside with a tomato in his hand and said, "Mom, can I have this?" I got SO EXCITED because he doesn't even like tomatoes. First a kid wanting a zucchini, now a kid wanting a tomato? This was too good to be true! I felt like I was on candid camera. Too bad he burst my bubble and said he only wanted to shoot it with his airsoft gun so he could make a youtube video. Baxter HATES guns, as you can see in the photo. 

After dinner I went out and discovered my chickens roosting on the bean pole thingamajig (yeah I don't know what you call it. I call it the bean pyramid.) It took them over a month to realize their coop was just a few feet from a plethora of pole beans and lettuce. One morning I opened up the coop and they all immediately made a mad dash over to it. They had it destroyed in under an hour. It was like they had plotted it overnight. I wonder what else they plot as they wait on me to open their door.

This is Roxie. Or maybe Muchacha. How the heck do you tell the difference between 3 Rhode Island Reds that look alike?

My ducks and chickens have become quite adventurous lately. They've become brave enough to wander into the front yard in search of bugs, thus giving my neighbors and highway travelers a nice, full view of our circus. I attempted to chase them up front to the koi fish pond so they could swim (the ducks, not the chickens).

It's not everyday you drive down the highway and see a crazy lady running around with table scraps attempting to corral ducks in her front yard. Let's just say "The Duck Herder" shouldn't be my nickname. Ducks are about as smart as the wood chips they lay in, therefore they never did catch on and follow me.

I'm a bad rabbit owner. My rabbit parenting privileges should be revoked. Don't tell anyone, but today when I opened the door to the rabbit hutch, my cute little black bunny kind of spilled out onto the concrete. I didn't realize he was right there.

I feel like THAT mom - you know, the one who lets her baby fall off the bed and hit its soft spot. I mean, I never did that to my kids or anything, it's just sort of a figure of speech. It's ok though, the rabbit is fine. Luckily he's quite the acrobat and landed on his feet. Apparently they're like cats in that regard.

WARNING: The following picture may be considered graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.

Don't judge, ok? This is our duck "pond". It was just cleaned out yesterday, I swear. The ducks are little feathered pigs. They love the muck. The dirtier the better - that's their motto.

Our animals are pretty spoiled around here (that is, when I'm not dropping them onto concrete). The ducks get ice cubes in their "pond" when the temp is 98 outside. The rabbits get frozen water bottles to lay on. I tried to feed ice cubes to everyone, but no one really seemed interested except Webster.

Today I made what I like to call Heaven. You take 3/4 c. of heaven (aka this stuff - my new best friend. We met in the peanut butter aisle at Walmart and it was love at first sight.)

and you mix it with homemade whipped cream that you make with the new electric mixer your husband just got you. Thanks Frank! You put that into a homemade graham cracker crust, then you attempt to fancifully pipe some heaven onto the top. I failed miserably, but in my defense I didn't have any leftover heaven so I had to scrape the jar clean. If you could eat heaven, it would taste just like this. Only maybe with a Heath bar crumbled on top - whoa, that is a good idea. Ethan tasted it and said, "Eewww, why would you make COFFEE pie??"

Jess and I took all 3 dogs to the vet for rabies shots today. They normally get scared and poop EVERYWHERE, which is pretty mortifying. The good news is there was no nervous pooping today. Ginger still managed to embarrass and scare me to death, though. Her collar was too big and she got scared when we got out of the truck. She jerked out of her collar and ran into the middle of the highway where she froze. Who goes to a busy highway to feel safe, anyway?? I panicked. I screamed at her. I begged her. I threatened her. I bribed her. She wasn't budging.

People were driving by shaking their heads at the crazy lady chasing her dog down the middle of the highway. Why does it seem I'm always causing a scene on a highway? I was standing in the middle of the road thinking, "Someone's gonna call doggie DCFS and I'll have my dogs taken away for bad parenting. Frank's gonna kill me. Wait, IS there a doggie DCFS? Or would it be DDFS - department of dogs and family services?" 

We both managed to get out alive and I ended up carrying her like an infant. You know your dogs are spoiled when everyone else's dogs are standing on the floor and yours hop up into the chairs and make themselves at home.

I apologize in advance for the next group of photos. My son allowed me to take pictures of him. This never happens. He normally waves his hand quickly in front of the camera or shakes his head vigorously back and forth to blur the photo. Therefore, I set the camera on - gasp - automatic. I know, it's every photographer's nightmare. But sometimes you just gotta sacrifice.

Yesterday Ethan asked me, "Mom, can I make sugar glass?" Like me, you are probably wondering what on earth is sugar glass? Out of sheer boredom, he was looking through a kids science experiment book and came across the idea. You simply melt sugar in a pan, lay it out to cool, and it looks like glass. In Ethan's mind, somehow it'd be clear and he could make it into drinking glasses. He could then take these fake glasses to Walmart and make a youtube video. He would replace a real glass on the shelf with his fake, edible one. As unsuspecting shoppers happened by, he could pick up the fake one and eat it. Too bad cooled, melted sugar is BROWN not clear.

Random memorable quotes:

 "What's a baking sheet? Is it this?" and pulls out a casserole dish.

"Eewww....this sugar STINKS! What, is it old or something?"

"Is butter the same thing as cooking spray?"

"It says do it on low heat but I'm putting it on high because this is annoying. I'm getting impatient."

"Why are you taking pictures of me? It's not like I'm a famous person or something."

"Eeewww, now this sugar REALLY stinks! What the heck??"

"FINALLY, it's starting to melt! Mom, come look at it!" I, of course, grab my camera and head over. He says, "NO, I said LOOK at it, not take PICTURES of it!"

He starts laughing hysterically and says, "Hey mom! I bet if I record myself eating it and put it on youtube people will think I'm really eating glass!"

And the grand finale of quotes - "This looks like POOP! When Kaylee gets home I'm gonna tell her I froze my poop and ate it!"

When asked what possessed him to want to try this experiment he replied, "I was bored so I looked in the science experiment book for something to eat. This was the only thing in there you can eat, so I made it." Leave it to my son to search for snack recipes in a science book.

Too bad he didn't even like it. He took one taste and said, "Ewww, this tastes like coffee! What the heck?"

Ethan wanted one of Jessica's energy drinks. I don't purchase them because I believe they're horrible for you, but Jess had money of her own. She bought them for $1 each and offered to take Ethan to buy one. He didn't want to go so he agreed to pay double for one. He drank it rather quickly, then ran around screaming, "My legs feel so weird! They're tingling!!" and acting like a nut. After awhile he said, "I don't feel so good. I feel SO WEIRD." I wondered if I'd have to take him to the ER. He came down from that high fast and hard and said, "I'm never drinking again!" I know, I sound like a bad parent. Don't judge. I pick my battles.

Later that night I asked him if I could post his photo on my blog. He said yes, but only if I would get him an energy drink. Some people never learn a lesson! I said, "Didn't you just come down off a high and almost have a heart attack from one?" He said, "Yes but they're so good!" Geez. So Ethan, I'm sure you'll never ever read this blog. But if you do I owe you a stupid energy drink.

Things I learned the last few days:

When bribed with an energy drink, my son is willing to do just about anything.

My son is willing and eager to be taken advantage of.

I'm not sure my kids are ever going to outgrow poop jokes.

Never take a dog to the vet on a highway with a too big collar.

My youngest thinks anything less than a dollar bill is "pointless". She thought she'd lost some quarters and said, "Oh well, I still have my dollars so I don't care." I gave her a look and she said, "What? It's just change. It doesn't matter. I don't like change."

All 3 of these kids have so much to learn.

Some people just cannot be trusted and will continue doing the same dumb things over and over and over, no matter how many times it gets them into trouble. If you are one of those people, watch out for karma.

I still cannot stand people who lie, are fake, or steal...or even worse, all of the above. Again, watch out for karma. If you make a mistake once, it's a mistake and you learn a life lesson to better yourself in the future. If you continue repeatedly making that same mistake again and again, it is no longer a mistake. It's STUPIDITY. There is no excuse. And if you want to be trusted and respected you have to EARN it by being a good person - even when no one is looking. "Integrity is who you are in the dark."

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Another Weird Gadget and a Birthday Diva

I've been busy this week, primarily with my 11 year old's birthday party. Most kids have a birth-DAY. The kids in this house practically end up with a birth-WEEK. They're just a tiny bit spoiled.

Kaylee decided she wanted a zebra print themed party, which meant dropping a ton of money at Party City to make it happen. And then it almost didn't happen. She invited 6 girls for a sleepover. One came early and they waited...and waited...and waited for other guests to arrive. 30 minutes later I was just about ready to go kick some little girls' butts when another one arrived. The third kid was an hour late and the fourth one was about 3 hours late. Maybe she thought it was McDonald's, where you just drive through, get some cake and leave. Or maybe her parents don't own any clocks and she needs one for her birthday. Regardless, Kaylee ended up having a great time so that's what matters.

I made the mistake of putting five 11 year old girls in charge of making pizza dough. They thought it was rocket science. Seriously, people. All you have to do is open a packet, pour it in the bowl, add water, and stir. One kid ended up with over half of it stuck on her hands and up her arms and wanted to know, "How do I get it off?". How the heck that happened is beyond me. My obsessive compulsiveness got the best of me and I ended up kicking them out of the kitchen just seconds before having an anxiety attack.

Kaylee opened presents before the cupcakes were even baked. She just couldn't wait!

Even at this age, the bags and packages are more entertaining than the contents!

Next was cupcake decorating. After the whole pizza dough incident, I wasn't even about to let them mix the batter or pour it into the pans. I baked them (the cupcakes, not the children) and let them cool so they could frost and decorate them with fondant. That brings me to a side story.

 I allowed Kaylee to help make the fondant. When I make fondant it turns out kind of like playdough and is easy to work with. When Kaylee makes it, it turns out like this. So the girls ended up looking like they were trying out for a part in the Smurfs sequel. (Please tell me there isn't really a Smurfs sequel. The first one looked to be torture enough.)

If you look closely, you'll notice a teenage girl lurking in the background making rabid squirrel faces. That's her thing. She sees someone taking a photo and she lurks in the background. She's a freak.

As they decorated, Jessica kindly decided to get them started with singing a round of Baby Shark (which she actually did incorrectly. It's Baby FISH, not shark. Just ask any preschooler. But I digress.) and Peel the Banana (don't ask. I don't even know). Free entertainment - you get what you pay for! I give her credit though. At 16 years old, she has more patience with these girls than I do! Some of Kaylee's friends are great. A couple of them make you want to...well...never mind that.

She looks a bit scared doesn't she? Even she knows you should never let children play with matches.

The best quote of the night occurred as the girls were putting on facial masks. The conversation went something like this: Kaylee, "Mom, we wanna do facials. Do we have any cucumbers?" Me: "Are you serious?? WE HAVE A GIANT GARDEN IN THE YARD!"

Kaylee: "Oooh yeah, I forgot!" The girls sliced up garden cucumbers to put on their eyes. By that time Jessica and I were both ready to scream. Jessica, in a moment of pure brilliance, told them, "Did you know it works better if you lay out in the sun with the cucumbers? Go try it!" As the girls ran out the door she said, "Suckers!" then turned to me and said, "About 20 minutes of silence. You're welcome." BRILLIANT.

No party is complete without a glow in the dark sword fight. I warned them to watch out for chicken/duck/dog poop. Did they listen? NO, of course not. They ran around barefoot and 1 of them actually laid down and ROLLED AROUND. Well ok, so maybe I'm not one to talk. I suppose I did clean the chicken coop in flip flops the other day.

All in all, it was a success. Kaylee learned who she can and can't count on. She also learned, or rather got reminded, that we grow cucumbers right here in our very own yard.

In other news, we have a crapload and a half of green beans going bad in the garden. Yes, crapload is an official garden measurement. It's a good thing my wonderful parents got Frank a FoodSaver for his birthday.

 Have you ever seen people excited to vacuum food? Yep, that's us. We played with that thing all afternoon and now we have a freezer full of green beans. It's useless if the end of the world comes, but for now it's pretty awesome. The machine itself gets a 3 stars out of 5 because it is poorly designed. You have to blanch the green beans before sealing them, therefore they're wet. Obvious, right? But the FoodSaver requires food to be almost dry. It's definitely not a perfect gadget.

Ok, things I learned this week:

1. You shouldn't fill a steamer pot all the way full with water and then attempt to put a big load of green beans in.

2. After you've flooded the burner due to filling a steamer pot too full, you should NEVER EVER pick it up with your bare hand to mop up the water. I hear that'll burn your fingers.

3.WARNING: If you are my mother DO NOT read this next part. My husband is a bit creeped out by the fact that I don't toss the green beans that have spots. "What if there is a bug living inside it?" he asked. The green beans are going to get cooked. It's not like I'd serve him live bugs. Geez. Waste not, want not. He said, "Well whatever you've been doing is working. Just don't tell me about your methods." Sorry mom. I warned you not to read it. I know how squeamish you are.

4. My husband is a sissy when it comes to eating spotted green beans.

5. There are very few people you can count on in this world. Most of them are what I call "fair weather friend" types.