When I Become a Millionaire

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

Ethan thought it was totally gay that there were no fireworks due to the burn ban. He blamed me personally, like I'm some sort of law official.

We went to the cabin for dinner with the family. I had 2,149 zucchinis to use up so I made zucchini cookies. They were so good my father-in-law had eaten 6 at my last count!

Once again, excuse the horrible lighting in my photos. I really need an external flash for my camera!

I also made these:

White chocolate covered strawberries. Could there be a more perfect combination? These babies were GOOD.

We had a little rain/storm action today. The ducks had a blast getting all muddy. The chickens had a blast climbing around in the huge limb that got knocked onto the deck. 

Frank had a blast playing with his Jeep. 

I forgot to take my camera to the cabin, but here is what I learned today:

1. My husband will argue politics each and every time we get together with his family. It never fails.

2. My husband was quite a hot stud in his youth...quite a singer, too.

3. My husband pouts when home videos are played of his youth.

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