When I Become a Millionaire

Monday, July 23, 2012

Road Trip, Zombie Deer, and Empty Graves

We packed up sandwiches and the kids and headed out in the Jeep. Sometimes it's fun to just see where the road takes you and have no destination in mind. We were actually trying to see if we could drive to the top of Stone Face but ended up getting lost and just cruising around.

Our first stop was Glen O Jones lake so my starving husband could eat. Kaylee cried because she got some  bees in her sandwich and Frank told her he'd eat it anyway, it might make it taste like honey. She can't take a joke these days (although I think he probably really would've eaten it.)

I actually handed the camera over and had someone else take photos. Well, more like Frank MADE me hand the camera over to Jess so we could get a picture together. We have no pictures together because it's hard to be behind and in front of the camera at the same time.

This is Kaylee after her sandwich got invaded by bees. Ethan saw it as a perfect opportunity to further torture her. Apparently he hasn't fully outgrown the whole bunny ears thing. He must think this is the perfect way to bug his sister because he does it all the time.

 As we drove on, we came across this - what the kids referred to as a rabid zombie deer. The crazy thing just stood there, a mere few feet from the Jeep, staring at us. Ethan pointed out his "scars", which further enforced his zombie theory.

Next, we drove down a tiny road called "Jones Cemetery Road". Ethan got excited when he saw this sign:

Nearby was a house that, if we believed in ghosts, we all would've thought was haunted. Unsure whether it was abandoned or not, we opted to drive on. Jess really wanted to go in!

We ended the evening by stopping at the Hungarian Cemetery to show Ethan some sunken graves. Kaylee freaked out, clung to my hand, and tried not to cry. Ethan wanted to know where the coffins were and how the dead bodies got out of the graves. He'd like to go back in the daytime so he can see better, and is thinking it'd be the perfect setting for the beginning of a zombie movie.

It was a great evening. The whole family crammed into the Jeep, wind whipping (and tangling) through our hair, the kids laughing and having fun (mostly), and NO ELECTRONICS. Our cellphones were almost dead (we don't have internet on them either. Shocking, I know.), no one brought Ipods (because I took them all away. But still.), and the only electronic item we used was Frank's Ipod so we could listen to music. The kids sang loudly and poorly to the music. We left the demands, stresses, and distractions of the real world behind. Everyone was (mostly) happy. I had an epiphany as we headed toward home. The kids were in the back singing along to Let it Be, and I realized everything is always ok for us in the end. Bad stuff happens...sometimes minor, sometimes life altering. We've been through a few truly terrible times. There have been hard feelings among us at times. Sometimes we even think we hate each other. There were times I wasn't sure we'd bounce back. But I truly think it's always gonna be ok as long as we have each other. Somehow we always seem to figure out how to get through the hard times. Ethan, if you ever read this, that is why I force you to hang out with us. You're a teenager. You  may hate it, but at this age you NEED it. We all need it.

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