In other news, Jessica's birthday celebration began today. She had no clue what she wanted for her birthday. If she doesn't know, how is anyone else supposed to know? I racked my brain for weeks trying to come up with an idea. Her dad was of no help either. Then it hit me. Why not give her cash and take her shopping in St. Louis? But I didn't want to just stick some money in a card. That would be lame. How about a singing telegram to deliver it? Too awkward. Have Ethan jump out of a giant birthday cake and give it to her? Too weird. Stick it in the dog's collar? The dog would eat it. Hide it in her cereal? She might choke. Hide it in her room? No wait, then it'd never be found. What about folding it into a bouquet of paper roses? After researching that idea I realized it'd take too many bills for a bouquet. Then I stumbled upon a dollar bill shirt. The rusty wheels of my brain began turning, smoke rolled out of my head, and a couple hours later I had created this:
Photoshop doesn't want me to edit this photo because it "doesn't support the editing or copying of banknotes. Seriously? Like I'm dumb enough to try and print money in the shape of clothing and use it?
I'm not sure if she was excited...
or disappointed.
My parents got her hair some extensions - to which Ethan said, "What is that, a wig or something? What the heck is the POINT?" (This is one area he and I agree on.) She also got some kind of hair curler thing - not sure because she never did show it to me. My parents took us to eat at Chili's. I'd never ate there before. It was GOOD. Ethan kept us entertained with detailed tales of how the "Joker" should be tortured. I bribed Ethan with 50 cents for the candy machine if he would go to the mall without complaint. He actually agreed!
Before my parents got here we got a pretty big storm. It was strange to see the wet stuff falling from the sky. The ducks, of course, were in heaven - splashing through the mud and muck and making pigs of themselves.
On the way to Chili's we saw some crazy end-of-the-world-apocalypse type clouds, which Ethan insisted was a huge tornado "cell". Of course, I didn't have my camera with me. Cool stuff only happens when I forget to bring it along.
Tomorrow = day 2 of Jess's birthday celebration...a shopping trip to spend that cash! I'm gonna try to take her to eat someplace that will sing for her birthday. I'm gonna make sure to bring the camera, that way nothing cool will happen on our trip.
happy birthday Jessica. believe it or not this is what you'll remember when your old and done forgotten a lot of other things. your family rocks!!