When I Become a Millionaire

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A New Lens, a Money Pit and a Tow

I came home from a 10 1/2 hr. work day yesterday and the house looked like a bomb had gone off. My kids were being jerkholes. My husband forgot to leave room for my name on the Jeep title. These events caused extreme irritability so this morning instead of cleaning up all the stupid messes and getting the house back in order, I ran away from home. I went to Best Buy and bought a new camera lens, then went to Hobby Lobby and bought some fondant toys. I was gone several hours and no one noticed. I thought they'd be calling to find out where I was. Nope. No one cared. I came home $170ish poorer and the mess was still waiting on me.

This is the Jeep. We picked it up Monday night. In his excitement, Frank forgot he is married and his wife expected to be a co-owner since it was her car we were replacing, and he scrawled his name giantly across the signature line. I ended up squeezing my name underneath in tiny letters because otherwise I would've had zero vehicles in my name.

Don't you LOVE the custom paint job? It's charming.

No Jeep is complete without various rust holes. They make for more airy road trips.

This is the customized air conditioning unit in the floorboard. I love how you can see all the way down to the concrete below.

It has a gorgeous interior, don't you think?

 We paid $2500 cash for this awesome beast. Isn't it amazing?? 

We paid extra to get it customized...duct tape, some kind of tool for the window crank, and rust holes all make it one of a kind. He swears he can fix it all. I pretty much believe him. The man can fix anything. Good thing he doesn't ever read this. He's already too full of himself as it is.

And here's the grand finale of photos. A customized piece of art under the hood! If you look closely you'll see a beautiful, one of a kind spiderweb and a mushroom-looking abstract scene spray painted on the underside of the hood. This is one of a kind, people!
Also, if you look even closer you'll note a large piece of cardboard stuck behind the...grill thing...I dunno what it's called. I'm no vehicle entrepreneur. 

Today was full of fun. First, I got to go to the DMV and meet my ex-husband's flavor of the week. Evidently she is employed there. Awkward small talk is not my forte, nor am I even remotely interested in it.

As I'm making stir fry for dinner this evening, my husband comes in and gives me a sweet, innocent grin. "So, I took the Jeep for a test drive and..." I stopped him right here. I told him I don't want to hear about it not running because he told me he can fix anything. A few minutes later he came back and said, "Do you think you could go with me for about 10 minutes to get the Jeep?" By getting the Jeep, he meant me pulling it home with the truck at 20 mph. while people behind us with road rage get angrier and angrier. I didn't take photos since I was the one towing it and all. That would've been kinda hard. And dangerous.

He and Ethan have been spray painting it ever since, which simply exhausted poor Ethan. Did I mention it still isn't running? When questioned about priorities, Frank responded, "Look, getting it running is the easy part. I just gotta get it painted." Oh. I see.

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