When I Become a Millionaire

Friday, June 29, 2012

SPOILED animals!

I'm a softie. My poor rabbits were baking in the 106 degree heat today. Guilt overcame me so I did what any sane person would do. I loaded them into the dog crate and drug them into the house. My dogs looked at me like I was insane. They shook their heads and seemed to be saying, "Don't you know rabbits belong in the woods?" My house now smells like a petting zoo. You know how some people have cute decorative benches and knicknacks by their entryway? I have a bucket of potatoes from the garden and rabbits. Oh, and a decorative pillow I made on my sewing machine. It's a primitive design - as in, I can't sew a straight seam. Anyone wanna give me free lessons?

This is Ginger, my scaredycat dog. She's scared of anything and everything. She also knows she's not supposed to mess with the rabbits. This is her trying to act nonchalant and not look at them. 

In a momentary fit of insanity, I briefly considered ways to bring the ducks and chickens inside. What am I, crazy?? My house would be destroyed. Sorry birds, you're just gonna have to tough it out like they did back in the old days.

I bought another jar of Heaven today. I have a sickness.

Heaven, meet Cool Whip. Ok kids, get ready to mingle!

I stirred them together and created what I call "heaven pudding". As I stirred I could already feel my waistband tightening. I froze some of it to create "heaven pudding pops". Maybe I should call it "extra cellulite on a stick".

Update: Ok, so Heaven doesn't actually freeze. And it's super rich so if you have no self control and eat a whole gob of it, prepare to feel ill for a couple of hours.

I made another healthy dinner this evening. I'm probably the only idiot who turned the oven on when it's 106 degrees outside but I really wanted some jalapeno pretzel bites.

I don't know why making dough intimidates me so much.

These sounded wonderful and they do have potential. They're a little bland though. If I ever made them again I'd double the cream cheese, add twice as many jalapenos and add more salt. Or maybe use the filling as a dip instead. As you can see from the picture, my oven is about a thousand years old and doesn't bake evenly at all. You can also see from the picture that a) my photography camera sucks and b) the lighting in my house is absolutely a photographer's worst nightmare. I don't have any fancy schmancy lighting or anything and barely get any natural lighting in this place.

To end the day, I watched P.S. I Love You. I am not at all a chick flick type of girl but this movie makes me sob so much my eyes are puffy the next morning. I don't even know why I watch it because I cry through the entire thing. I'm not even normally the crying type.

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